And help it thrive by building a predictable and dependable lead generation asset you can count on.

Are you ready to have a professionally developed marketing strategy?

At PT Marketing Team, we want your Physical Therapy Practice to succeed. However, you may be facing any number of struggles that are holding you back. If you're struggling to manage your marketing, it's time to take a look at what our services can do for your company:

The PT Marketing Team Difference

By working with us you and your business will get

A Customer Generating Marketing Machine

Our marketing system will consistently bring new customers to your business. Our system will provide you with the patients you need to build a consistent, sustainable business.

Build Trust and Authority in Your Customers Mind

We will be growing and amplifying your reviews and local reputation, making your Physical Therapy practice the only logical choice in the customer’s mind, regardless of price.

Competitive Lockout in Your Service Area

We will not work with any other Physical Therapy practices or competing businesses in your area. We will put our unique and powerful system to work exclusively towards your benefit.

Introducing the

Physical Therapy Marketing System

Marketing is the way we promote and sell products and services. Sounds easy enough, but there is more to it than that. It is how we get people interested in a company’s brand, the products and services they offer, and then transition that interest into sales. We've come a long way since the 1950s when modern marketing began to emerge. Today, with a truly global marketplace and access to billions of people via the internet, marketing is a whole new ball game.

There are so many options for finding your audience. How do you decide where to focus your time, energy, and marketing dollars? That's what the professionals at PT Marketing Team is here to accomplish for you.

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Digital Marketing For Physical Therapy Practices

Our Process

Strategy First, Action Second

We don’t just jump in and start throwing around marketing jargon. At PT Marketing Team, we begin by creating a strategy. We’ll work with you to learn about your company, branding, products, and services. We want to get a feel for your processes, how you work with customers, what your challenges are. We’ll take a close look at what you’ve done in the past, what’s working, and what’s not.

Once we understand the big picture, we can start drilling down on your specific needs. We build a plan of action and make recommendations on the programs, tools, and services we offer that we feel will best fit your needs. Then, we execute from there.

Better Website Performance

Is your website all you think it should be? Is it performing well, drawing in traffic, visible at the top of search engine rankings, and converting patients? If not, it’s time for a remodel. We’ll help you design a new site, or redesign an existing one, to take advantage of the power of a good website.

By working to improve your website’s competitive position, we can boost your search engine rankings, your sales, and your bottom line. How do we do it? With a clean design and optimized, mobile-friendly content, so users can view it anywhere, from any device.

The Right Platform for the Best Content Marketing

You’re a business owner, not a writer. You can’t expect
to write all of your content and have it meet the rigorous standards people expect to find online. Your job is to run your business; our job is to create your attention-grabbing content.

Blogs, social media posts, web content, and hub pages are just the beginning. We can harness the power of engaging writing to build your online presence through content marketing strategies. We utilize content platforms for consistency and ease of publication and distribution, which allows us to create the best campaign for your business to represent your brand accurately.

Search Engine Optimization is a Crucial Part of the Marketing Process

The most common way consumers find businesses is through search engines. When was the last time you looked through the results of a Google search and went down further than the first few listings? It’s rare for people to move to the bottom of the page, let alone to the next page. If you want your customers to find you, your business has to rank at or near the top. That is why SEO is so important, with local SEO being even more vital to your success.

Because Google finds local businesses first through its location settings, the customers close to you are going to go to the guy down the road if you’re not listed at the top when they search. At PT Marketing Team, we use our customized Inbound Marketing and Social Engagement programs to boost your SEO to get your business in front of your customers.

Paid Lead Generation

Paid lead generation is not new, but we know how to use it to its fullest potential. From Google to Facebook, we can get the biggest bang for your marketing buck with the right content and the right ad placement to boost your lead generation through the roof. We can build it and implement it, and you can take advantage of the results.

What is the primary goal of any marketing campaign? It’s lead generation, of course. Without a lead, you don’t have a customer. Without a customer, you don’t have a sale. Without a sale, you don’t have any profits. Leads are the do or die of the business world.

Customer Reviews & Reputation

Negative customer reviews can have a significant impact on your business. We know how to turn that around and create a path to improvement as well as guide customers to leave positive reviews. Not only do positive reviews build trust and credibility, but in the right place, they can also help boost referrals, drive traffic, and increase conversion rates. Instead of trying to manage your online reputation yourself, our team of experts knows how to use our monitoring tools and reputation management process to keep your 5-star ratings intact.

Reviving Your Email Marketing Campaign

Many business owners have tabled their email marketing in lieu of hard and fast focus on social media. But before you knock the old tried and true method of communicating via email, let us help you revive your contact list.

Communicating with your customers and your target audience through email is a great way to stay connected, build your customer loyalty, share information, and build a referral network. Sound complicated? Don’t worry, we’ve got it covered. We can create an effective email campaign that will get you results.

Engaging Social Media

Social media engagement is using the power of social media to draw in your target audience and involve them in your business. The various platforms available are more than a place to find your friends – they’re where people go to find information on products and services they want and need. Plus, these networks are a smart place to generate buzz about your brand and connect with your audience. We designed our Social Media Packaged Programs to help your company take advantage of all social media marketing has to offer.

More than ever before, people are using social media to find information on products, services, brands, and companies. Not only are they looking for basic info, but they’re also looking for reviews and finding out what people think about them.

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Client's Feedback

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Digital Marketing For Physical Therapy Practices

Contact Us

If anything above describes you and your business, and you’re ready to accomplish your goals but aren’t sure how to get there, we can help. PT Marketing Team is who you’ve been looking for to execute the marketing strategy necessary to take things to the next level. With enhanced marketing strategies in place, we can take your Physical Therapy Practice into the next decade and beyond.