Website Design

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Website Design

If your website is no longer serving you, it’s time for a redo.

Does your physical therapy business have a website? When did you last update it? Is it designed to maximize traffic and convert customers? If this doesn’t sound like what your website was built to do, it’s time for a professional redesign.

A website is a critical component for any company wanting to stay in business. Effective physical therapy websites will help your business to thrive and grow.

The role of your site is to build trust and guide your customers through your medical office, educate them on your services available, and get them to take a specific and desired action. First impressions count.

Eight out of ten customers will check out a company’s website before making a decision. If your site is too sparse or too cluttered, difficult to navigate, or has poorly written content, people will bounce in and bounce back out. Then, they’ll head on over to your competitor’s site.

What Good

Website Design Looks Like

If you have a website, you certainly didn’t get it for free. You spent time and money to get it up and running. What a disappointment it is when it's not working as it should. Physical Therapy providers who became tired of dealing with their site might consider ignoring it and hoping for the best, but not you! You know your website is the face of your business; it is the portal to your services, and the link between you and your future patients. You can’t afford to lose potential patients because of a poorly designed website; you need to get it right.

Here’s what a good website should be:

  • Visually appealing
  • Search engine optimized
  • User-friendly
  • Professional

Here’s what a good website should do:

  • Give memorable, meaningful first impressions
  • Increase engagement
  • Convert visitors to patients
  • Have clear calls to action
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Digital Marketing For Physical Therapy Practices

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Everyone has different tastes, different opinions, and different aesthetics. One person’s trash is another’s treasure. But that doesn’t always apply when it comes to web design. There are some critical components you need for a successful site des

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Eye movement control

Good design will direct the visitor’s eye first to the company logo, and then to other essential areas of the page as they move through the information. It's dependent on the company and their services, but good design will lead the viewer through the information in a controlled way, so they see it in a way that makes sense.

Lack of clutter

Cramming too much information onto a page is counterproductive. It's overstimulating, and instead of informing your potential patient, you'll overwhelm them. They'll leave before they ever have a chance to absorb any information. The same is true for text as well as images. Keep it simple and find your focus so that they can find it too.

Easy navigation

Your potential patients and your patients should be able to find what they’re looking for in fifteen seconds or less. That’s the general rule. If they can’t find what they need that quickly, they’re gone. Simple navigation is critical.

Visually appealing text

Images and graphics might grab someone’s attention first, but if the text isn’t also visually appealing, you could lose them. Everything from font to text size, location to color will affect how people view your site. If it’s hard to read, you’ve lost them.

Search engine optimized

You want your target audience to find you. If they can't, there's no point in spending the time and money it takes to build a website in the first place. The right keywords are just the beginning. Your need to have the components search engine algorithms will recognize to make sure the people looking for you will find you.

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What You’ll Get

With a Great Website

Besides looking good, the right website design can do a lot for your business. It starts with search engine optimization so people can find you, but there’s more. SEO will help get people to your site, but the design will keep them there. The longer they’re there, the better the chance of a conversion.

With improved engagement comes higher click-through rates and increased sales. If you can hook them in with your page design, and they’re interested in your business, they are more likely to schedule or call you, and also return to your site again. All of this boosts your bottom line.

The Real Deal on Your ROI

Building a great site is vital, but at what cost? If you're spending a fortune on a new website, it might not pay off in the long run. That's why we build sites that allow for design, build, customization, implementation, and updates to fit your budget and your needs.

Benefits include:

  • Quick builds to cut down on your costs
  • Mobile-responsive websites
  • User-friendly experience
  • Continuous improvements to the servers and platforms
  • Site longevity due to universal coding and language
  • Getting found on local search platforms

Why We Should Build Your New Website

We understand what it takes to create a compelling, creative, visually appealing website with content that will keep visitors on the site, ready to purchase. We know your website is the door to your practice and services and is also the direct link between your potential patients and your sales.

Not only are we experts in marketing strategy, but we are also the leading experts in building sites the help your prospects get to know, like, and trust you even before they ever call or come in. With transparent pricing and timely delivery, you'll be up and running quickly with increased traffic and higher conversion rates than ever before.

Our experts can integrate your social media, content marketing, and SEO on one site, so you can watch your business grow. Let us streamline your website design and implementation so you can focus on your business. Our team is ready to help you take your profits to the next level with a new and improved website. Let’s start a conversation about your site today.

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Digital Marketing For Physical Therapy Practices

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