
Why Your Social Media Game Is Falling Short

By now, most small business owners know they need to be active on social media. Regardless of your  industry or niche, your customers expect to find you there. And social media’s free, so… it’s all easy, right? I wish it were that easy. In fact, I notice that a lot of small business social media…


Improve Your Email Marketing with These Tips from the Pros

Even though it has now been around for decades, email marketing is still one of the least expensive, most effective forms of digital marketing. That’s good news because it means you can connect with your target audience without breaking the bank. You already know the basics of email marketing, but you may not know how…


What Mobile Marketing Can Do for Your Small Business in 2021

When was the last time you left your house without a phone? I’m willing to bet it’s been a while. Most of us keep our mobile devices within reach at all times, even when we’re sleeping. From a marketing standpoint, that’s good news – or it would be if you were making the most of…


7 Things Google Hates and How to Fix Them

Every website wants some love from Google. A high rank on Google’s SERP can mean the difference between getting organic traffic every day and never seeing a single visitor on your site that you didn’t pay for. The catch? Google’s playing hard to get – or it might be if you are making some common…


How to Use Psychology Hacks and Jedi Mind Tricks to Grow Your Audience

Whether you’re a Star Wars fan or not, you’ve probably heard the term Jedi Mind Trick. Maybe you’ve wished it were a real thing that you could harness – for good, of course – and use in your marketing. I’ve got great news for you. While the Jedi aren’t real, it is possible to use…